Ready to reset your mindset? 

This 5-day audio challenge will help you transform your mindset, break through your limiting beliefs, and *finally* start taking the actions that scare you. 

I'm ready!

You’ve been thinking about freelancing (or maybe you’ve already started)...but for some reason, it just feels so hard to make the moves you know you need to make. 😩

Maybe your corporate job is going nowhere, your coworkers are getting laid off, or your boss refused to give you a raise (again). 😒

You know you want to freelance…but every time you sit down to get to work, that negative voice speaks up in your head. And it's not very nice. ⬇️


“You’re not experienced enough.”

“You should be grateful for your corporate job.”

“You’re just going to get hurt if you put yourself out there.”

“You’ll never be able to make this work…so why try?”



Or maybe you’ve conquered some negative thoughts, but you just have so many ideas…that you can never seem to follow through on.


Instead, you get overwhelmed with questions like…


“What service should I offer? Will people actually pay for that?”

“How do I make time for this and all my other passions and responsibilities?”

“Do I need to build a website and sign up for Fiverr and start cold pitching and…and…” 



Maybe you’ve tried everything:


Creating an
entire website
from scratch

Signing up
for Fiverr
and Upwork

pitching on

yet another
IG account


But your freelance business still isn’t taking off. You feel trapped in a pattern of procrastination, perfectionism, and frustration. 

And maybe, you’re thinking about giving up on the idea of freelancing altogether.

The Freelance Mindset Reset will help you make the life-changing belief shifts that have helped me and my students go from frozen in overwhelm to taking massive action.


Sign up now for instant access to the 5-day audio program. 

By the end of this 5-day audio challenge, you’ll be crystal clear on the steps you need to take and the beliefs you need to ditch to start making REAL money as a freelancer.

You’ll finally understand WHY you keep self-sabotaging, undercharging, and yes, procrastinating.

The result? You’ll know HOW to talk back to that negative voice in your head, so that you can finally do the things you’ve always wanted to.

Everything you need to know about the Freelance Mindset Reset

➡️ This will be a 5-day audio-only program that will be shared with you via a private podcast feed. You’ll be able to listen anytime, anywhere.

➡️ Each audio will focus on a mindset block, limiting belief, or common mistake so we can calm your nervous system and get to the root of what’s holding you back from freelance success.

➡️ You’ll have access to the audios forever, so you can come back to them whenever you need to.

My story: From burnt-out corporate marketer to six-figure freelancer

Just a few years ago, I worked in marketing for a mortgage company. I made great money, was fully remote, and even liked my boss—but there were some things I couldn’t get over.

  • I would create entire marketing plans from scratch…only to see them go unused because leadership wanted to do it their way. 😑   
  • I would be ignored or talked down to in team meetings…because I was the youngest person on the team. 🙃
  • I was passed over for promotions and raises, even as I took on more and more work after layoffs. 😩
  • I would get hit on by men twice my age at corporate events…and when I complained, no one was held accountable. 🙅‍♀️

Basically, I was like most women in corporate America. Disrespected, underpaid, and overlooked, with no control over my schedule or life.

Changing my mindset and beliefs… changed everything

  • Have ever sat down at your desk to send an important email, only to feel your heart racing and your armpits sweating? 
  • Does your stomach drop when you think about leading a call with a potential client or sending a pricy proposal?
  • Do your thoughts spiral when you think about adding freelance work to your already jam-packed schedule?
  • Are you afraid you won’t be able to set boundaries, charge high-enough prices, or find clients who actually respect you?
  • Does toxic hustle culture feel like the *only way* — and so instead of taking action, you keep procrastinating and self-sabotaging?

    That used to be me—and I know how painful those thoughts can be. And I know exactly how they can keep you stuck.

I learned how to CHANGE my beliefs so that they would SERVE me instead of SABOTAGE me.

I could choose beliefs like, “I have enough time for everything that’s important.”

I could choose to believe that, “Money is a limitless resource, and there’s plenty to go around.”

I could intentionally choose to attract respectful, kind, amazing clients—instead of needy, late-paying, frustrating clients.


And today? I feel a lot like Ariana Grande: I want it, I got it. I want to help you feel the same.

My beliefs have helped me grow a six-figure freelance business in less than 2 years. And today…

I work 20 hours per week.

I have AMAZING clients.

I always get paid upfront.

I don’t spend time on useless meetings.

And I feel respected, fulfilled, empowered, and incredibly f*cking grateful - every single day.

If you want to start freelancing, stop procrastinating, and do it without giving into toxic hustle culture—the Freelance Mindset Reset is for you.

Are you ready to reset your mindset for freelance success?


I can teach you how to find clients, raise your prices, and craft compelling proposals. But you’ll never take ACTION on what I teach you if you don’t believe it’s possible for you.

THIS is the work that most freelancers need more than anything else.

There are a thousand ways to earn six figures as a freelancer. But it all starts with shifting your beliefs, getting to the root of what’s keeping you stuck, and developing a resilient, unstoppable freelancer mindset.

And you can get started for FREE. Let’s do this.

Sign me up!