Freelance Flow Membership Terms and Conditions

By joining the Freelance Flow membership community, you agree to the following terms:

  1. Membership Cancellation
    You may cancel your membership at any time. Please note that all membership fees are non-refundable, even if you choose to cancel before the end of your billing period.

  2. Payment Terms
    Membership fees are billedĀ monthly and automatically. They are due on the agreed-upon date. If a payment fails and is not resolved within 30 days, your membership will be suspended until payment is successfully processed.

  3. Membership Access
    Your membership is for your individual use only. Sharing login information or providing access to the membership content to others is strictly prohibited.

  4. Intellectual Property
    All content, materials, and resources provided within the Freelance Flow membership are the intellectual property ofĀ Haley Davidson, LLC.Ā Members are prohibited from copying, reproducing, or selling any content or materials from the membership for personal or commercial gain.

  5. Code of Conduct
    We strive to maintain a supportive and positive community. Any harmful, abusive, or disruptive behavior towards other members or within the community may result in immediate removal from the membership without refund.

  6. Disclaimer
    The content and resources provided within Freelance Flow are for educational and informational purposes only. We do not guarantee any specific results, and you agree that we are not liable for any outcomes resulting from the use of the content.

  7. Governing Law
    This agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Georgia. Any disputes arising from this agreement shall be resolved in the courts of Georgia.

By joining Freelance Flow, you agree to these terms and understand that they are designed to protect both our community and the integrity of the membership.