
Welcome to THE online and in-person membership community for freelance marketers and who want to unlock more time, more profit, and more JOY.

Join Freelance Flow

3 pillars that allow freelancers to THRIVE

Over the past couple of years, I’ve brought together freelancers through in-person meetups, webinars, Instagram Lives, and even an online course last summer.

These moments of connection have helped me survive the tough days. They’ve made the good times even better. And they’ve helped me learn SO much about what it really takes to thrive as a freelancer.

Though our freelance journeys (and goals) are incredibly unique, the hundreds of freelancers I’ve spoken to have taught me that we all need…


Freelance Flow will help you find more people who get what you’re going through, so we can ALL support each other, celebrate each other, and share job opportunities and resources. 💙

  • Monthly in-person meetups*
  • Members-only Slack channel
  • Member directory to help you build new friendships and find collaboration partners

*Virtual-only memberships are available


Freelance Flow will help you build your confidence with concrete skills, from learning how to put together an awesome proposal, build a team, or find high-paying clients. 🛠️

  • Monthly Q&A with Haley
  • Live sessions with experts in systems, marketing, accounting, and beyond
  • 10+ hours of pre-recorded training to help you start, scale, and systemize your freelance biz



Freelance Flow will help find your freelance rhythm and create a structure for your business that allows you to make real, consistent progress toward your goals—while avoiding burnout and prioritizing what matters most to you.  🎯

  • Live goal-setting and accountability calls
  • Community challenges to spark momentum and motivation
  • Processes, templates, and tools to help you master your routine


Join Freelance Flow

Who is Freelance Flow for?

Freelance Flow is for freelance marketers and creatives who want to unlock more time, more profit, and more JOY. Whether you’re a graphic designer or a freelance writer, our membership community is here to make freelancing better for everyone.

Whether you’re starting or scaling your freelance business, Freelance Flow will give you the community, skills, and resources you need to thrive.

Let's do this!

Freelance Flow is right for you if…

  • You want to build meaningful connections with other bad-ass freelance creatives and marketers, in-person and online
  • You want to build your confidence, take more actions that scare you, and unlock more motivation, energy, and focus on your freelance journey
  • You have big goals for your freelance business, and you’re looking for trusted experts and mentors to help you reach the next level (without paying thousands for a business coach or mastermind)
I'm ready!

Freelance Flow will help you...

➡️ Increase motivation, focus, and joy on your freelance journey, as you work alongside an awesome community of people who get it.  

➡️ Feel braver, calmer, and more excited around potential and existing freelance clients.

➡️ Shift your energy, attitude, and mindset so that you become an absolute magnet for your dream clients.

➡️ Develop the SKILLS you need to close clients, position yourself and your skills, and deliver in a way that keeps clients coming back for YEARS.

➡️ Become the freelancer that clients are dying to work with—because you’re the best at what you do, and everyone knows it.

What makes Freelance Flow special?

Self-employment is challenging—it’s so easy to become isolated, to feel stuck, and to wake up every day with a sense of existential anxiety, wondering what it’s all for.

That’s why when I visualized Freelance Flow, I thought of everything I missed from my 9-5 days: amazing co-workers, hilarious Slack threads, weekly stand-ups that helped me stay on task, and mentors who helped me build my confidence.

My daily routine and interactions with my coworkers helped me stay grounded and present in the day-to-day. Now of course, that came at the expense of my free time and let’s be honest, my sanity 😂

So let’s do things on our terms: in Freelance Flow, you’ll get that sense of connection with people who understand you—and you’ll also build deep, meaningful, maybe even lifelong relationships.

In Freelance Flow, you’ll get to ask me (and other, more experienced mentors and experts, too) all your questions about freelancing. You’ll be able to have us review your portfolio, your proposals, your pricing—whatever you need.

And in Freelance Flow, you’ll find the support, accountability, and resources you need to reach your goals and thrive as a freelancer. In this membership, we’ll come together to build businesses that bring us joy, fulfillment, purpose, and profit for the long-term.

I hope you’ll join us today, for just $49 per month. I’ll see you there. 💙

Join Freelance Flow

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